Library CTF Walkthrough

Akarsh K N
4 min readMay 24, 2021

Hello everybody. Hope all are doing great. This will be our third CTF challenge writeup for the day. Hope you enjoy it.

So, let’s begin

Go to the below link and connect to the target machine in tryhackme.

Target ip :

Local machine Ip assigned by ovpn :

Lest ping and confirm that our machine is communicating with the target machine.

Command: ping

we will begin our basic nmap scan to find out open port and services running.

Command: nmap -sS -sC -sV -A -O

From the scan we know that there are two ports open.

. port 22/ssh

. Port 80/http

As port 80/http is open we will try the below url.


A website was loaded. After going through website, I found an user named meliodas.

I did directory scanning using gobuster.

Command : gobuster dir -u -t 100 -e -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt

/robots.txt and /images found intresting.

On further adding it to current url and checking, we got an hint called rockyou. This indicated me to crack the password of meliodas using rockyou wordlist.

These images did not reveal anything.

I used hydra to crack the password.

Command : hydra -l meliodas -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 60 ssh

We found the password of meliodas user.

User name: meliodas

Password : iloveyou1

The other port open was 22/ssh, so we will try to ssh access using these credentials.

Command : ssh meliodas@

Hence we found the user flag in user.txt file.

Now we should elevate our privileges, so we will try from the basic enumeration. We will use the command to know what could be executed with root previleges

Command : sudo -l

We found /usr/bin/python /home/meliodas/ can be executed with the root previlages.

Trying the command with the file did not work as we can see that its user is root.

So we deleted the and recreated the file. Now we got the file user as meliodas.

Now we added the below mentioned script inside the file and saved it.

Now we will run the below command.

Command :Sudo python /home/meliodas/

we got the root access. On exploring we got the file root.txt. Hence we got the root flag.

The above image shows root flag

We have successfully completed the challenge.

Thank you all, have a great day

